Results of treating Anxiety with Chiropractic CareHighlights of symptoms, history or diagnosis before receiving chiropractic care at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic:
- Intense pain in lower back, pain in both hips, trouble bending, kneeling, picking up objects and high anxiety. - Diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondulitius and anti-inflammatories prescribed. Results since coming: - Virtually pain free, no anxiety, no need for anti-inflammatories and no diagnosis of AS. Greatest result and the difference it has made in your life: - ANXIETY IS GONE! It has made my life better in general! - No pain – able to do my job better and be more active. In 15 words or less what would you tell someone considering starting care here: I would suggest this to everybody. It has changed my life. In 10 words or less how would you describe the difference your care has made in your life: It has been life altering. - Carson Smith |