Results of treating Chronic Pain with Chiropractic CareI did not think I would ever have a good back, I had restricted movements in my hips, lower back and neck and I was always in constant pain, one place or another. A little thing like backing my car out of the driveway was a real effort, as my neck would not turn far enough around for me to see, so I would back out with my door open, turn my body around and lean out. Getting out of my car, my leg would buckle with pain as soon as I put weight on it.
I could bend over to pick something up, but without the help of an obstacle, I could hardly get back up. In short, I was very uncomfortable at all times in whatever I did. My neck would grind with every turn, my legs and back had no strength. I was in constant fear of falling as I felt that my back would break rather than give a little. Now, many thanks to Jeff Stackhouse and his chiropractic care, I am a different person. My life in general is a lot better and easier, my health has greatly improved, the pain has been reduced to almost NIL and I am a happier person for going in for treatments. I should have gone a lot sooner as pain doesn't go away by itself, as I kept telling myself, it only gets worse. Just every day things that most people take for granted, I am able to do now. I tell everyone I come in contact with about my treatments and how I have been helped and now I am telling you. - Lorna Peters Highlights of symptoms, history or diagnosis before receiving chiropractic care at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic:
I was unable to enjoy my life to the fullest because of chronic pain and I was generally feeling unwell but I didn’t know why. Everything was an effort and so many of my symptoms didn’t make sense to me.
Results since coming:
My pain has decreased and while it has not disappeared it is manageable. I have lost 16 lbs with a change in diet and the ability to exercise in a way I have not done in years. My mood is positive and I am truly loving my life now. The many, rather vague symptoms have disappeared. Greatest result and the difference it has made in your life: I am active now and enjoying my freedom of movement. Your opinion of your care here at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic: I am so grateful that a friend led me to Dr. Jeff and I feel blessed that I am continually improving in so many areas of health and life. It is worth driving over 2 hours each way every 2 weeks in order to come here for help. In 15 words or less what would you tell someone considering starting care here: With God’s help, Dr. Jeff can change your life with a regular schedule of care. In 10 words or less how would you describe the difference your care has made in your life: The chiropractic care I have received has saved my life. - Pat Adamson Highlights of symptoms, history or diagnosis before receiving chiropractic care at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic:
I had difficulty writing (my profession); my hand could barely grasp a pen. I could not put pressure down on my foot, wear heels, limped when walking and was not able to run. Symptoms before coming: - Right hand would not close - Left foot injured in a fall - Low back and cervical spine - degenerative disk pressure, pain affected thinking, memory, concentration and mood. Results since coming: - X-ray cervical spine results were good - I can now sit and work at a computer and write more clearly - I was able to run last week for the first time in about 6 years on a ground road in the bush - Low back and neck have improved to the point I can do a long car trip – about 1000% improvement in time duration in a car at all - Squat without burning pain Greatest result and the difference it has made in your life: I’ve got my sense of humour back because I’m in less pain and I can function better now. Your opinion of your care here at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic: It was beyond my expectations; God is good all the time and knows what we need and heals. In 15 words or less what would you tell someone considering starting care here: Don’t wait – get started now – you will feel better sooner and get back to “normal”. In 10 words or less how would you describe the difference your care has made in your life: I thought I was in rapid decline, now I am not! - Judy Masdorp |
"I feel like I'm 20 years younger since coming to see Dr. |
Highlights of symptoms, history or diagnosis before receiving chiropractic care at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic:
- neck very sore - tennis elbow - mid and lower back pain - headaches - feeling very old (I’m only 38) Results since coming: - tennis elbow gone - neck problems are gone - back aches are much better Greatest result and the difference it has made in your life: - tennis elbow gone - neck problems gone Your opinion of your care here at the Stackhouse Chiropractic Health Clinic: Amazing!! I was cured almost instantly. In 15 words or less what would you tell someone considering starting care here: Dr. Stackhouse is a miracle worker!!! I feel like I’m 20 years younger since coming to see Dr. Stackhouse. In 10 words or less how would you describe the difference your care has made in your life: I’m not straining to do anything physical anymore. It feels good to get out of bed!! - Jennifer deWerth Since late 1942 early 1943, I have had a chronic back, neck and knee pain and discomfort. I was advised by a bone specialist not to go to the chiropractor as I could become a wheel chair cripple for life. Recently, my wife had to go for an injury she received and suggested I go with her. I thought what do I have to lose at my age after all these years.
Since going to Dr. Stackhouse, I can get up from a chair without limping, my back does not ache, my discomfort in the morning is minimal and my neck has shown much improvement. My wife says I am more loose, my body seems to move more freely and I walk straighter with more spring. I realize there were some great doctors; I guess I only got to see the poor ones or the ones that didn’t care. Yes, I’m better! - H.L. Boyd When I first came to your clinic, I was a very unhappy, unhealthy person. I had just been told by another specialist that he could find nothing wrong with me, yet for over a year period I had a strength sapping weakness in my arms and legs, black spots in my eyes. I gave up baby-sitting, working in a variety store, knitting, walking etc. For over 25 years, I had a back problem that required medication to ease the pain.
After receiving chiropractic care, today I am healthy, happy and truly amazed that I can walk comfortably for 40 minutes with no back pain, no sore feet and absolutely no medication. I wake up in the morning feeling great and can now walk straight, not bent over and limping. Walking up and down stairs is a cinch now. I'm knitting again, there's no weakness to prevent it now. I'm also back to babysitting two beautiful granddaughters. Since starting chiropractic care, I have not had a headache, indigestion, my appetite is much better and no constipation. I feel good all over. Thank you for giving me back my health, my happiness, my sanity and a new lease on life. - Marg Caskie |